Bendigo Bishop Matt Brain reports from the recent Diocese of Bendigo Synod:
“We had our synod over the weekend and passed the motion supporting Hope25 following a great presentation by Canon Shannon Smith and our diocesan champions Rev’s Tracey Wolsley and Fiona Preston. There is a good level of excitement here as people look forward to participating.“

Here is the Hope25 testimony shared by Rev’d Canon Tracey Wolsley at the Bendigo Synod:
“I am one of those people who wears one of these collars, I am a Priest, a Canon, a Chaplain, and a Rural Dean. I am also a daughter of a 97-year-old mother, a sister, an aunt, a mother to 4 adult children, and a Nannie to 4 grandchildren and sometimes……. I get scared.
Every day if I turn on the TV or the radio or, if I look at a newspaper, I see and hear cause for alarm and I feel like the disciples who were out in the boat and found themselves in the midst of a squalling storm where the wind was howling and the waves rising and raging around them.
Amid the complexities of our broken world, I sometimes find myself going under. Fear and anxiety take hold of me and I feel myself beginning to sink however, praise God, by the grace of God, during such times, time and time again God graciously and tenderly reaches out and lifts me up, and reminds me that He is my rock and refuge, He is my strength and hope. In Him, I can put my trust. My past, present, and future are in his hands, I do not need
to be afraid. He is with me, and He is able to do far more than I can ever think of or imagine.
Folks we know the hope that is ours in Jesus. We have something incredibly precious to share with an uncertain and struggling world. Hope 25 is a reminder of this hope that we have in Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour and it is also an invitation for us to join together and proclaim that hope to others.
Will you join us?“
From the same weekend the Rev Susan Liersch, reports from the Diocese of Gippsland Synod:
“Jack Beamish and myself were given an opportunity by Bishop Richard Treloar to give a 20 minute presentation to Gippsland Diocesan Synod on May 25th followed by the raising of the following motion: ‘That this Synod wholeheartedly supports the Anglican Church of Australia’s project Hope25 – ‘Hope in an Uncertain World’ – sharing the hope we have in Jesus Christ, and encourages every Parish and Ministry Centre to participate. ‘
The presentation which emphasised the opportunity for Hope25 to unify the Anglican church and reinvigorate our evangelistic calling was well received and the motion passed unanimously. A couple of clergy reported that their parishes were excited after watching the launch video at Pentecost. Bishop Richard shared that the pre-launch of Hope25 was an important part of the national Bishops Conference in March, and encouraged Synod members to see it as a major focus for the Diocese over the coming twelve months.“