A number of Australian diocesan Synods met during June 2024 with supportive speeches and moving the Hope25 Synod motion. These include Tasmania, Brisbane, North Queensland, Newcastle and Grafton.
In Brisbane Michael Calder reports that the Hope25 motion was passed “unamended, unanimously, and with acclamation.” Here is a quote from the Brisbane presidential address:
It is hoped that every parish and agency around the country might find one new way of reaching out to their community and sharing the Gospel during the season of Easter next year. The idea is that if
Archbishop Jeremey Greaves, Brisbane Synod Presidential Address (Saturday June 22, 2024)
every parish and agency does one thing there will be a multiplying effect across the nation. There are plenty of resources being developed to assist people and parishes from every part of the tradition… I encourage you to find the Hope25 website and to start thinking about how you might engage with this initiative in 2025.
The parish of Kempsey shared at the Grafton Synod about their enthusiastic praying and planning for Hope25. Bp Murray Harvey from provided these photos from the support at the the Grafton Synod:

And from the Grafton presidential address:
This national evangelism campaign is the first of its kind that will have all the dioceses in Australia unite in a missional campaign together. Some Grafton parishes have picked up on Hope25 already, which is encouraging. I fully support Hope25 and I pray that it is one of many opportunities where Australian dioceses can work together in enthusiasm, mutual respect and unity.
Bp Murray Harvey, Grafton Synod Presidential Address (June 2024)
The Hope25 motion was enthusiasically supported at the Newcastle diocese:

See also our earlier post on the Tasmania Synod. Please let us know about activities in your Synod! Email info@hope25.com.au.