From the May 2024 edition of the Diocese of Canberra Goulburn diocesan magazine:
“Anglican News” spoke with Monica Short, about her role in the Hope25 project as a member of the General Synod Mission and Ministry Taskforce:
What’s it like serving on the General Synod Mission and Ministry Taskforce?
Fun! We are a passionate group of people from around Australia who meet regularly and love to talk about what God is doing in our country. The members are great – they are diverse and not afraid of doing blue sky dreaming, which makes our conversations rich and exciting.
Hope25 is an initiative of the Mission and Ministry taskforce. What has encouraged you so far about the Hope25 project?
God’s ability to bring people from every Diocese of Australia together through the Gospel for this project is astounding. God is so good.
People have wonderful, innovative ideas about sharing the Gospel, and I love listening to their hopes for this campaign. I love the idea that we can all have a unique relationship with God through Jesus wherever we live in Australia.
What are you hoping to see happen in our Diocese for Hope25?
People come together in their own way and in their own communities to express publicly that Jesus brings hope in uncertain times – such as through story, testimonies, art, music, proclamation, liturgy, church services, poetry, prayers and praying, Bible studies, art, painting, writing, dinners, acts of service, sharing little or big acts of kindness, podcasts, newsletters, school
concerts, fun op-shop activities, drama, public lectures, theological discussions, sociological discussions, social events, travel, bake a cake, colouring in competitions for kids.
Let us have fun and laugh together.
How could we help other Dioceses with making Hope25 happen where they are?
Joining up with groups in rural and urban communities to co-create and run events, share ideas and resources, and visit each other – sounds good to me! I am always willing to make new friends.
What are you praying for, right now, about Hope25?
I am praying Australia for Christ and that God’s will be done on earth as in heaven. And I pray that people will be excited about the hope Jesus brings and that everyone knows this hope is for them. This world is a tough place, we need hope, Jesus is great.
What can we do now, to be involved?
Get excited by the vision. Check out the website:
And submit ideas that we can all engage with:
Start thinking about what we can do in our locations and Diocese. Maybe this question will help: what would need to happen for our Diocese to get to the end of 2025 and be able to look back and say,
“Hope25 was a widely successful campaign; I really enjoyed it, and so did my neighbours, friends and family. Let us do it again.”
God is good, our Diocese is beautiful, and I am very excited by our potential to serve God through this campaign in our own ways.