On May 19, 2024 many parishes launched Hope25 and shared the vision using the resources on this page.
All parishes that have yet to share the vision could choose any Sunday and play the video and do a local launch of Hope25 using the resources on this page.
We hope each parish or congregation will form a Hope25 team to pray and plan for next year.
The Hope25 monthly email list will be an uplifting way to receive step by step guidance and updates on best practices and diverse opportunities to share the hope we have in Jesus.
New: How to Hope25 Poster
A large poster for parish foyers.
Available in hi-res PDF format.
You can also order via Canva for a glossy hi-res version at larger sizes.

90 Second Launch Video
Newsletter Item
Hope25 is an opportunity for us to share the hope that we have in Jesus. It is an intentional season of sharing hope in Jesus for every parish and community in the Anglican Church of Australia. The dates will be Easter Day (April 20) to Pentecost Sunday (June 8) 2025.
Each parish is invited to prayerfully commit to doing (at least) one new activity to share the hope that we have in Jesus during this season. Every parish is encouraged to form a parish Hope25 team who will receive step by step encouragement via the monthly Hope25 email list.
For more information see the Hope25 website where you can sign up to the email list:
Or scan the QR code below:

A5 Flyer For Church Attendees
A double sided A5 flyer is available to be used as a newsletter insert.
This is written with church attendees involved to get them praying and interesting in being involved in a parish Hope25 team.
This will be especially useful in parishes that are unable to play the video.
(after double sided printing, cut down the middle to get two A5 flyers)
More information is available on our Logo and Brandkit page.
Short Slide Presentation for church services
Here are three slides that can be used in church notices to give the vision for Hope25.