Preaching Resources

One opportunity is for parishes to consider a preaching series on the theme of Hope during Easter Day and Pentecost 2025.

Here is one suggested sermon series from Luke’s gospel:

Stories of Hope from Luke’s Gospel

Hope for the Poor/Humble – The Rich Young Ruler

Hope for the Guilty – Barabbas

Hope Changes ThingsZacchaeus

Hope Forgives – The Paralysed Man

Hope in the face of Death – Two Thieves On The Cross Near Jesus

Hope Rose From The Dead – Jesus’ Resurrection

Some thoughts on this series from Hope25 Workshop attendees:

  • Each is a narrative
  • Each is short and engaging and challenging
  • Each has a character we can identify with or contrasting characters
  • Each focuses upon the difference Jesus makes and who Jesus is
  • Each has an outrageous unexpected action/statement or question from Jesus
  • Each has requires a response from us

Below are other resources tagged under the topic of Preaching: